Forex Trading Timing And profit loss

Currency rates fluctuate Very randomly. No one knows what will be the scenario after few minutes or hours. After Deep analysis and long experiences of others, now it is possible to guess the ideal timings (to the some extent).

Currency trading markets are opened 24 hours until the weekend, It starts from sunday afternoon EST. This time span has lots of opportunities, if one knows the trick he wins, while the other one might lost a huge amount too. But the good news is, there are few time intervals when it is Best To Trade.

There is a very simple way to guess the Best Trading time, Which is by determining the active hours of big currency players. Find day and hours when giant economies are open and in the trade flow.

For instance, 1:00 am to 3:00 pm is the peak time of New york Stock exchange as they or European tradings open at that very time.

Time frames of Major Markets Openings are:

Sydney 6:00 pm – 3 am
Tokyo 7:00 pm - 4:00 am
London 3:00 am – 12:00 pm
New York 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

However, It is not recommended to trade on Sundays or holidays.